You do have time to listen to a podcast…
It’s possible to listen to a podcast when you have passive time, for example:
- Doing house chores (dishes, cleaning up, vacuuming, laundry, taking out the trash)*
- Transportation (car ride, public transport, walking, running)
- Making a meal (shopping, cooking)
- When you are eating alone (do not do it too often)
- Go into the bathroom for a longer period, but not bathing (shaving, tooth brushing or laying a brick)
* I still hate you a bit Lex Fridman to make me look forward to do the dishes…
As you can see this is how much I can put in with just putting in the headphones and hit play, so you can do it too if you do the activities listed above. (If you managed to get rid of them please tell me how I beg you :D )
Why is it good to listen to a podcast? You can reduce your own suffering and probably the suffering of the ones who are surrounding you. This is also how you can measure the quality of a podcast, the more suffering reducing actionable ideas you got from it from, the better is the given podcast.
Obviously the execution is on your part ;) I recommend a notebook to write them down, and review them
So we tied up you can do it part, now we can focus on the How…
If you have a smartphone then you can do it for free, just download The Podcast Addict (Android) for free:
If you have Apple I could not recommend any app, because I did not test any of them, so Google is your friend ->
Okay but there are too many podcasts, I do not know where to start…
Let me help you first showing my list in listening time order:
Note: to remove transition decisions I listen to one podcast in episode order until there is no new one (if I like the podcast), if I just test a new podcast then I listen to random six and then decide.
Note 2: A few of them are long format, the best value/time is the Inside Strategic Coach one
I also got up to 1.5x listening speed, which is manageable and do not change the talking style too much, and also spare time ;)
Alternatives, if you want more (not entirely free)
The one obvious choice is Audible, you can listen to audiobooks in your passive time, and you can scrape a few free audiobooks if you are paying attention to the advertisement in the podcasts.
But if you want to have the biggest bang for your buck then I recommend you buy a Blinkist subscription and listen to book summaries in 1.5x speed.
If you say you don’t have time for a podcast you are a liar.
Feel free to share this you whining friend, who complains he/she do not have time for anything ;)