
Cities on Mars, Starlink and E-Governance

Ben Ferrum


The recent pandemic had its benefits, mostly around the e-governance space; many governments are scrambling to digitize their services.


A certain percentage reaches Estonia’s X-Road to create the much-needed data exchange layer, to provide the much needed online, pandemic proof services.

credit: Business Insider

Another wave of change is coming from SpaceX’s StarLink, which is rapidly expanding worldwide to provide fast internet in mostly rural areas. (20-40ms ping, ~100 MB download, ~35 MB upload currently, gigabit-speed planned in the future)

This Starlink initiative could help any government deliver their services to any of its citizens anywhere. The rate at which countries from West-Asia, Africa, South-America and Oceania are starting to utilize X-Road in a short period of time will have better e-governance than the USA. (After a closer look, that is a surprisingly low bar to hit)

These two waves of technology (X-Road, and Starlink) here on Earth are just dress rehearsals for building e-governance services for the cities on Mars.

What would you prefer on Mars if you want to sign a document? Have some paper, sign it and deliver it through sand-storms? How does it look that we can build a city on Mars but still have to use paper? Hopefully, it sounds silly (if not, please rethink your life choices). here

The best solution would be that you can connect to the martian internet through some Starlink 2.0, authenticate yourself online (which is legally binding), and cast your vote, sign a contract, buy the next Tesla Mars Rover from Dogecoin, and get your UBI.

And to play the devil’s advocate a bit, if everything can be that seamless on Mars, what is stopping us to do it here on Earth?

If you would like to learn more about e-governance, click here.

